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How the care the wig to make it last longer?


How the care the wig to make it last longer?


common instructions is to care it like the real human hair, and below are some special point to care a wig:


1.When not in use, always store your wig on a mannequin or wig stand to maintain its shape.
2.Frequency of cleaning will depend on your environment, lifestyle and amount of perspiration. Suggested guidelines for cleaning are after 10 to 14 days of wear.


Please Only  Use shampoos, conditioners, hair sprays and other styling accessories designed specifically for the wigs.

Please use the purified water but now the tap water to wash the wig.

below are the instructions to wash the wig:

Spray some Adhesive Remover to loosen up the glue and gently remove the glue off the unit.
Dampen the hair under a water facet.
(Using a 50/50 percent shampoo and water mixture in a spray bottle.) DO NOT SCRUB THE WIG.
Spray the mixture onto the unit and let it remain for up to 15 minutes.
Rinse the mixture from the unit.
(Using a 50/50 percent conditioner and water mixture in a spray bottle.)
Spray the mixture onto the unit, but do not rinse out.
Always use a soft towel and carefully blot dry (do not scrub). Allow your wig to dry naturally overnight on a wig stand.


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